Meet Costas

Costas Menegakis is a successful businessman and entrepreneur. He is a graduate of Concordia University’s Faculty of Commerce. Costas was elected to Parliament in 2011 and in 2013 he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. 

Costas firmly believes in building strong communities and has been a dedicated volunteer in several non-profit community based organizations throughout his adult life. He is an ardent supporter of programs that offer services to families, particularly to our youth and elderly. With his Parliamentary experience, extensive practical business background and a passion to serve his community Costas is well prepared to focus on the challenges affecting the many families and businesses in Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill including the rising cost of living, house affordability, crime, immigration and infrastructure among others.

He is currently a member of the Richmond Hill Board of Trade, the York Regional Police Integrated Strategic Community Advisory Council, the Rotary Club of York (Past President), the Oak Ridges Lions Club and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375. 

Costas Menegakis was born in Montreal, is married and has two children and two grandchildren. He resides in Richmond Hill, Ontario